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DC’s Take: ‘Patriots Day’


Throughout our lives, there are things that occur that reflect how much the world has changed throughout history, and we can’t forget them. Many tragedies build upon everyone affected by their outcome. Hopefully, those affected will come together to put an end... More »

Why is WCAC so Laid Back?


Every spring semester, Bethel College hosts the World Christian Action Conference (WCAC) chapel series. Normally this comes with class cancellations, evening chapels and an announcement of one of Bethel’s services that we can use to grow in our faith as Christ... More »

Bethel students take the stage at KCACTF


While most would say that they participate in the arts simply for the love of it, that doesn’t mean that a little healthy competition isn’t also involved. One of the ways in which those involved with theater can stretch their wings and embrace in a bit of comp... More »

DC’s Take: ‘Hidden Figures’


Sometimes there are stories in history that we never hear about until they’re written in a book. Or better yet, crafted into a movie for our visual pleasure. These are the kinds of stories that are meant to be told to everybody. But have you ever heard of the ... More »

Bethel College snaps its way onto students’ phones


8 seconds, and it’s gone. This is the world we all know as Snapchat, and Bethel has jumped on the here-and-gone bandwagon with its very own Snapchat story. Jessica Fuller, coordinator of Bethel’s summer LEAD teams and social media coordinator, said that she fe... More »