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D.C.’s Take: ‘John Wick: Chapter 2’


Trying to direct a sequel to an action movie is sometimes a tough thing for Hollywood to get around to, especially when the first movie was good. When it finally does happen, it usually goes one of two ways: it’s either great, like “The Bourne Ultimatum” or “T... More »

20 years of theatre at Bethel College


Theatre has been a well known and loved aspect of Bethel College throughout its history. This year, the theatre department celebrates its 20th year of existence and action at Bethel. To help gain a larger picture of what the department has done in the past, as... More »

D.C.’s Take: ‘Lion’


True stories can sometimes be seen as manipulative. But some films this year, such as “Sully” or even “Hidden Figures,” which are based on true stories, pulled it off with the material they were given while still tugging on the heartstrings. Plus, it wouldn’t ... More »