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Chapel takes a ‘mood swing.’


Feeling depressed? Maybe a little anxious? Well, it’s that time of year, after all. Vice President of Student Development Shawn Holtgren opened up chapel on Monday by announcing a new chapel series, which he called “Wellness Week.” The series focused on three ... More »

Student Council running hard under Bethel’s surface


Where has student council been? Student council, or StuCo, is the body of students that represent the interests of students at large here at Bethel. But we haven’t heard much from them so far this year. There haven’t been many announcements of events or other ... More »

Students complain about food service cutbacks


A new fireplace, a Starbucks, and even a new 3D printer in the library. Bethel students were welcomed back to school by many campus-wide changes that took place over the summer. But there’s one change that doesn’t seem to be so welcoming after all. Sodexo, the... More »

Bethel’s ERC jumps into the third dimension


3-D printing is the way of the future, it seems. Many libraries and schools have already installed the high-tech devices, and Bethel has just joined their ranks. This summer, a brand-new 3-D printer was installed in the Education Resource Center, or ERC, in th... More »

Recruiting efforts lead to large freshman class


This year’s freshman class at Bethel is one of the largest ever at the school. It’s good news for Bethel, which has struggled with declining enrollment in recent years. Those declines in enrollment have contributed to cutbacks in staff and faculty. This year’s... More »