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Bethel mascot reveals identity


The Bethel College mascot, known as Wilhelm, was a popular subject of conversation during the 2014-15 school year as students spent the year trying to guess who the pilot actually was. Few people knew the mascot’s real-life identity; it was kept secret. “I fee... More »

What will Bethel students learn about origins?


Bethel faculty members gathered  on Tuesday, March 17 to discuss  the school’s position when it comes to teaching students about origins. It’s an issue that has created some division within the school because professors, students, staff and administrators have... More »

Bethel has been ambushed


For the ninth year in a row Student Life has sponsored Ambush, a game where students and faculty receive the name of another person on campus and shoot them with a miniature water gun to “kill” them. The goal is to last as long as one can without getting shot.... More »

When and why does Bethel have snow days?


Classes were cancelled due to inclement weather on Thursday, Jan. 8, Friday, Jan. 9, and Monday, Feb. 2. However, Mishawaka had severe weather on many more days since then, which left students wondering why some days were cancelled when others were not. Who ma... More »

IT department switches campus to canvas


  The Information Technology department at Bethel College will be switching learning management systems from Jenzabar to Canvas. However, the My.Bethel site will not be going away. This change mostly affects staff members. The only change that students will se... More »

Theatre department plays musical chairs


In a classic game of musical chairs, players shuffle from chair to chair, but there is never quite enough room for everyone. However, the Bethel College Theatre Department is now dealing with just the opposite. During the theatre department major/minor meeting... More »

Colts send Aaron Charles to Super Bowl XLIX


Buying tickets to the Super Bowl is extremely difficult. And if they’re not sold out, they’re extremely expensive. So naturally, winning tickets to the Super Bowl would be amazing. But winning tickets to the Super Bowl in a contest you didn’t even know you ent... More »

Linus’ blanket


I never thought this day would come. The day I actually found out why all the grown-ups in my life hate snow. Don’t get me wrong, I still like the snow. It’s beautiful when it first falls, and it’s a once-a-year occurrence, which makes it feel all the more spe... More »