
‘Mine Eyes’- Easter reflections

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[The following is a column in the "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory" series by Daniel Jones] It can be easy to lose sight of the meaning of Easter. If the Christian tradition behind Christmas is eclipsed by Santa, reindeer and a general onslaught of materialism, Easter is eclipsed by bunny rabbits and marshmallow Peeps. But I think that within the church, another sort of distraction can take place. On Resurrection Sunday, as the usual, general aphorisms are passed around, such as “He is risen, indeed!” and “Happy Easter!” it can be all too easy to forget that the actual resurrection was as real and tangible as the computer screen you are reading this on. It can become easy to forget that Christ’s resurrection deals with specifics. I find this problem most at play while I’m singing worship choruses. Because sometimes, as true as the lyrics may be, I have a hard time really wrapping my mind around what it means when we say that Jesus conquered the grave. But as I grow older, I find the easiest way for me to really grasp what Jesus’ sacrifice means is to think of the specifics of what happened and how it affects me. A literal, flesh and blood human being bled and suffocated while nailed on a tree so that I wouldn’t have to go to hell. And he would’ve done it if it were just me. Hebrews 2:10 says, “For in bringing many sons to glory, it was entirely appropriate that God—all things exist for Him and through Him—should make the source of their salvation perfect through sufferings.” [Holman Christian Standard Bible] It can be hard to realize it at times, but WE are the sons being brought to glory. Jesus’ blood is used to not only save us from eternal damnation, but also to help us in the day-to-day.  Christ’s death and resurrection means that the alcoholic can find freedom from addiction, the perfectionist can be free from condemnation, and we can all be brothers and sisters in the family of God. Because while on the cross, Jesus said to Mary, “Woman, behold your son,” and to John, “Man, behold your mother, but through the cross, Jesus said to every tongue, tribe and nation “Sisters, behold your brothers,” and “Brothers, behold your sisters.” Jesus’ life, death and resurrection means that we can be irrevocably changed for the better in every facet of our lives. And that is something we can truly celebrate.
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