
Bethel Introduces ADHD Meetings

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MISHAWAKA— College can be difficult for many students, especially individuals struggling with ADHD. Rachel Kennedy, director of the Center for Academic Success, and Sue Matteson, academic specialist of the Center for Academic Success, plan to help these individuals by holding ADHD meetings during the spring semester. 

Kennedy explained that many individuals who have ADHD do not have much knowledge about it. She hopes that with these meetings, students can get some help and feel that they are not alone. 

“We have seen so many people this year that are struggling academically . . . not because they are not trying or because they are not smart,” Kennedy said.

The meetings will take place every Thursday from 1:00 to 1:50 until the end of the semester. They will be held in the Academic Center in room 131. Students do not have to do anything to attend the meetings except show up.

The meetings provide students with ADHD a place to go to receive lifestyle and academic advice concerning the weekly topics that are chosen. Students also get to hear from fellow peers about their unique journeys with ADHD. 

“All journeys are relevant and valid”


Kennedy hopes that through the meetings, students will walk away having learned at least one new piece of information. She also hopes that the meetings allow the students to feel validated by getting to see others who struggle with similar issues. 

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