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Will men’s lacrosse become a reality at Bethel?


Remember how excited the majority of campus was when women’s lacrosse was added to our athletic roster and how much love and support there was for the new team? Well, now imagine that type of love and support for a new men’s team of the same sport. That’s exac... More »

Bethel College’s radio gets an upgrade


There have been several changes to the Bethel campus throughout the past semester, ranging from food to class options. Although there have been a few controversial changes at Bethel, there has also been a recent change that is quite beneficial for the media co... More »

The download on Bethel’s I.T. department


Any good college has technology. And any form of technology is going to have glitches and breakdowns. It’s a consequence of our extremely rapid development in the field of technology: we innovate faster than we can perfect. To combat this technological gap, we... More »

Photo Essay: Cubs throw a party for the ages


Cubs throw a party for the ages Nov. 4, 2016 will forever go down as the day the Cubs held the largest gathering in U.S. history.  In fact, it’s reported that over 5 million observers lined the streets of Chicago to witness this once-in-a-lifetime experience. ... More »

Editorial: Why a 17-credit limit frustrates me


  This is the start of my fifth year at Bethel. (Well, it’s the third full-time year, I suppose, but who’s counting?) This means I’ve registered for classes a total of 10 times so far. And every year, one thing looms in my face: the ever-dreaded credit limit. ... More »

The method behind the madness of the senior gift


Question: how do you want to be remembered? I don’t just mean after you’re gone from this earth, but how do you want to be remembered here, at your alma mater? What do you want your name associated with years or even decades after you walked down the aisle in ... More »