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Bethel professors comment on active shooter protocol


The Bethel Beacon is in the midst of  a series on active shooter situations on campus, sparked by the recent Fun Tan armed robbery on Sunday, Sept. 18. Reporters talked to various professors across campus about their reactions to the robbery, if Bethel has a p... More »

Student council’s 2016 year off to a complex start


Bethel’s student council, or StuCo, is a complex organization. There are many moving parts and with elections recently finishing up, a lot of those parts are being replaced as well. To get an idea of what exactly is going on with StuCo, The Bethel Beacon has t... More »

Commuter life at Bethel College


If you’re a residential student at Bethel, you’ve probably noticed those few random new faces that pop up in class. After class you look for them in your dorm but they’re never to be found; they, my friend, are commuter students! The life of a commuter at Beth... More »

Nan Hussey returning to Bethel’s campus


Almost any college student will tell you of a specific professor that meant a great deal to them throughout their college career. For many students here at Bethel, that professor was, and still is, Nan Hussey. Hussey, who was previously employed at Bethel as a... More »

Hacking the System: A Bethel freshman survival guide


Dear freshmen, are you still alive? If not, I’m sorry. If you’re one of the lucky few, who are still standing after a full two and a half weeks of college life, congratulations! We at the Beacon know that adjusting to college can be most definitely is a challe... More »

Review: a rather Wicked sensation


It’s been 13 years, but there seems to be no stopping one show that’s still defying all that gravity can throw at it. I’m speaking, of course, of Stephen Schwartz’s smash hit Broadway show “Wicked.” First released in 2003, “Wicked” tells the “untold story” of ... More »