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Thiandoum reaches beyond basketball


The doors open, a six feet nine inch muscular figure strides into the Bowmen Library at Bethel College and all eyes turn to look at Aziz Thiandoum. Immediately thoughts of a basketball player fill the minds of those sitting near the door.Aziz sits down at a ne... More »

Theater students take the stage for KCACTF awards


  Members of the Bethel College Theatre Department received high honors for their outstanding accomplishments during the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) awards. The awards began on Monday, Jan. 5 and lasted until Sunday, Jan. 11 in Mi... More »

Where does Bethel stand on evolution?


Bethel College president Dr. Gregg Chenoweth is working with Missionary Church pastors and Bethel College faculty members to examine the issue of evolution and how it might be represented in classroom lecture and research settings. “Our goal is not to create c... More »

Call me maybe, or maybe not


The Bethel College Theatre Department completed one day of auditions for the spring musical, “Seussical.” However, at the end of the auditions, director Richard Young announced that there would be no callbacks. “It was like a jig-saw puzzle and it just went to... More »

Do it yourself with online registration


Bethel College is entertaining the possibility of allowing students to register for classes online instead of requiring that everyone meet with an advisor in order to select classes for the next semester. Before introducing the program to the entire campus, a ... More »

Don’t talk back on Yik-Yak


Bethel College has recently received bad publicity via an app called Yik-Yak. Yik-Yak, which works the same as an “anonymous Twitter,” is a feed of unidentifiable posts that can be read by users within a 1.5 mile region. “When I first got the app, there were m... More »

Students smolder over timing of fire drills


Midterms. A time dreaded by many students. It is hard to balance a normal class schedule while still studying for a variety of tests. Students often dream of a good night’s sleep and relish the very little that they do manage to steal. So, on Oct. 8 when the f... More »