John Vermilya spoke nine times during Spiritual Emphasis Week We’re surrounded by this cloud of witnesses,” said John Vermilya, the speaker during Spiritual Emphasis Week. “Men and women, names that we know and the countless, nameless, faceless others that you’ll never know on this side of Heaven. All of these who have passed the baton, who have lived and died for the cause and we’re surrounded by that crowd watching over us. They’re looking at you. They’re looking at us. They’re looking at our generation and they’re saying ‘don’t trip’. Run the race. Live and die for the cause. Carry the baton. Be a domino. Shine. Be an active member of the resistance. Love. Love misfits. You’re not a misfit. You’re a starter. Get in the game.” Vermilya began Spiritual Emphasis week by calling Bethel students to surrender their lives to God. “During senior year, I wasn’t really living how I was supposed to be and when John brought the message of ‘tapping out’ and surrendering to God, I really felt God calling me to live for Him,” commented freshman Catie Gordon. Vermilya used the analogy of dominoes. He shared that many dominoes need to be set up in order to make a ripple effect. He explained that by praying, or just loving someone, students can share Christ’s love and be one of the dominoes on their road to salvation. “Vermilya’s message of being a domino showed me that even if I don’t see the results immediately in the life of the person I am investing in, I am doing my part and sowing a seed and being a Godly light into someone’s life,” said junior Jordan Evans. As the week went on, Vermilya hit the students with messages of compassion toward other countries and other churches. Vermilya’s message challenged today’s young generation to have respect for the church, and to live a life of love toward others. “John connected with students in a real unique way in that he spoke with authentic boldness which resonates with students today,” commented Shawn Holtgren, dean of student life. “I’ve heard from students, falculty members, all the way up to the president that he was the best speaker we’ve had in years,” said Holtgren. Many Students made commitments and decisions that will impact their future and the future lives of others. Ending his time Vermilya left the students with the challenge to, “Live a life worthy of the calling. Live a life worthy of the Gospel.”
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