Campus News

Students take a journey through the Scriptures

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How long does it take to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation? Students found out over Halloween weekend as the Word of God was spoken by more than 100 people in 15-minute increments. Starting on Oct. 30 and finishing two hours early on Nov. 2, students gathered to read through the entire Bible. Sophomore Dustin Heath, a member of the Spiritual Life committee, helped organize the event. He believes that Scripture 66 has become a campus staple in the past four years and that it has become its own force. Students signed up to read and came without a reminder, even at four in the morning, driven by their desire to read Job, Philippians or any other book. Free hot chocolate and snacks were provided as well. The atmosphere in the gazebo where Scripture 66 was held differed depending on the time one came to read or listen. Senior Ruth Olson enjoyed the quiet hours of the night. “There’s a sacred, hushed feel in the room,” she said. “It’s almost surreal. It’s enchanting to watch the flames of the candles flicker while the Word is being read and just soak up the mystery and awe of the moment.” Olson liked the daytime as well, but for different reasons. “During the day, it has sort of a lovely, light feel to it and is slightly more casual” Since Bethel didn’t require that anyone attend, those who came to Scripture 66 did so with a spirit of openness. “I enjoyed reading because I felt like I was helping to complete a mission,” said junior Joe Welch. “The atmosphere was very focused on God and it was refreshing.” Olson preferred reading because “It is so awesome to be reading while trembling under the realization that this is the very Word of God being spoken through us.” Senior Alexander Cox was excited to take part in the annual scripture reading. “I am thrilled whenever the scriptures are corporately read and affirmed, because no matter what our background, we set these words as the foundation for our community. That is encouraging,” said Cox.
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