Campus News

Group sacrifices their time for those in need

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Freshman NaRa Lee paints a mural in a church for their children’s minsitry (Photo provided by Sarah Cressman).
Freshman NaRa Lee paints a mural in a church for their children’s minsitry (Photo provided by Sarah Cressman).
Twenty-one students from Bethel traveled to Atlanta, GA. over Spring Break. The group worked with the Salvation Army and participated in a variety of outreach opportunities. The group helped lead children’s Bible studies, handed-out food to the homeless and participated in service projects. Sophomore Jen Moya, who went on the trip last year, returned this year as a leader. “God definitely blessed us,” said Moya. “He was the provider for the whole trip. He provided the funds, the transportation, all of it.” For some students, the trip was an eye-opening glance into the world of poverty and homelessness. NaRa Lee, a freshman from Taiwan, said it was the first time she had really witnessed homelessness in the United States. “The only place in America I’ve been to is Bethel,” said Lee. “I knew homelessness was there, but didn’t realize it fully until I saw it.” For sophomore Sarah Cressman, the trip provided her with a lesson in gratitude. “I am grateful for all I have: food every night and a roof over my head.” The group had the opportunity to paint a mural in the children’s Sunday school room at a local church. This was one of the trip’s highlights for Lee. One of Cressman’s favorite parts was going on “the canteen,” when the group went out to fed the homeless late one night. They handed out hot dogs and lemonade. The group also participated in a prayer walk, in which the team walked through the neighborhood and prayed for the residents, the buildings and the community. For Moya, one of the trip’s highlights was when some of the girls from the team met a group of men who were playing football. It turned out the men were from a local mission center, and they invited the whole team from Bethel back to the center to participate in a Bible Study. “The real highlights of the trip were ones God had planned for us and not the ones we had planned for ourselves,” added Moya. Overall, Moya thought God did a lot of great things during the week. “I definitely believe that God worked in each of our lives,” said Moya. “Our mission is not over. Even while we are here, we are still remembering Georgia. There is a group of us who are meeting every week to pray for Georgia.”
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