Campus News

Yearbook transitions from print to digital

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This year’s student yearbook staff is in charge of changing the face of the Bethel College yearbook. They will make the transition from a printed book to a DVD book. Due to budget decisions, Bethel decided to discontinue printing of the college’s yearbook “Helm.” The cost of printing a hard copy of the book averages $35,000 for 850 copies per year. The staff is working on ideas to create a product that will maintain quality and serve its many purposes. While various departments will no longer have hard copy books to put out on display, the staff intends to research ideas to make “Helm” a great keepsake. Having a DVD gives the staff options to include multi-media in its design. One concern with a DVD yearbook is change in technology. DVDs will, most likely, eventually become obsolete. However, students should be able to upgrade their DVD yearbooks to a newer form of technology.
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