Carol Bemis donating blood to Red Cross. (Photo by Josh Winningham) The American Red Cross held its 3rd annual blood drive on Oct. 7 at Bethel College in Goodman Gymnasium. Bethel students, faculty, and professors were all present giving their blood for this great cause. In fact, 140 members of the Bethel community signed up in advance to give blood. When I stopped by to investigate the blood drive roughly 20 students were in the process of donating. “You can save up to three lives by donating just once and it’s quick and easy,” said junior Johnny Rogers who was one of the student leaders. Rogers said the Red Cross collects the blood and then distributes it to hospitals in the area. Thanks to a proactive Bethel student Dr. Dave Schmidt, associate professor of history, was convinced or rather convicted to give blood. “Approached directly by a student, [it was] easier to live without guilt and shame by saying yes,” said Dr. Schmidt. Schmidt noted he was feeling, “just a little dizzy and light headed,” immediately following giving blood. “There are people out there that don’t have it, but need it, and I want to help,” said sophomore Alyshia Harvey. Harvey had given blood before and said she was not at all nervous as she filled out the necessary paperwork to give blood. “Feels like it’s something you should do,” said Bethel College faculty member, Carol Bemis. When asked how she was feeling after giving blood? Bemis responded, “Good, I’m a pro!” Bemis truly is experienced in giving blood. She said she has given blood over 30 times. Bemis said, “as long as I’m not looking at the needle I’m fine.”
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