Campus News

Come Get “Lost in Yonkers”

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What happens when you combine a fake German accent, a gangster and a bitter grandmother? The Bethel cast of “Lost in Yonkers” will answer that very question when they perform the show on Oct. 7, 8 and 9. The performance will start at 7:30 p.m. in the Everhest-Rohrer auditorium. “Lost in Yonkers”, written by Neil Simon, is a show about a man named Eddie Kurnitz who is forced to go off and sell scrap metal for a year to pay off his debt. While he’s away, his sons Arty and Jay have to move into their grandmother’s apartment located above a candy store. Their father’s sister, Bella also lives there and their Uncle Louie soon joins them. Each character is unique and adds his or her own special aspect to the show. “I've cried every rehearsal up to now listening to Bella’s monologues,” said sophomore Andrea DeLonis, Assistant Stage Manager for the show. “She's just such an interesting character, because she's also very much comedic relief.” DeLonis went on to explain that the audience will get to watch the characters grow throughout the show. The cast and crew are hoping these transformations help to portray some valuable lessons to their audience. “I hope the audience can see the importance of family,” said senior Scott Mason, who plays the part of Eddie in the show. “Louie has a line in the show that says ‘the one place in the world where you’re safe is with your family, right?’” Everyone involved in the show put forth a lot of time and effort to make this performance successful. Besides having to practice their accents, the cast also had to work on the right way to portray their roles on stage. “I'm on stage for about 95 percent of the show, so I'd say my hardest difficulty is just staying in character and focused within the scene,” said Shane Miller who plays Arty. Tickets for “Lost in Yonkers” can be purchased for $13 for students and seniors and $15 general admission. Tickets are sold at the box office located in the Everhest-Rohrer auditorium.
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