North Korea is a country that most people probably know very little about. It is just another country on the other side of the world that is not relevant to our daily lives. The typical person probably has no clue that over a million people died in the mid 1990’s in North Korea alone. The deaths varied from starvation, to imprisonment in concentration camps all because their country has virtually no freedoms. They are ruled by a ruthless dictator. They have no freedom of speech, or press, everything they do is ruled by their government. Failure to meet the government’s standards will result in imprisonment in a concentration camp or death. If they try and escape North Korea soldiers will shoot them on sight and if an escapee flees to China and is a woman there is 80% chance of them being sold into the sex-trade industry. This kind of injustice is what the organization LiNK (Liberation for North Korea) was created. Its goal is to raise awareness so that these tragedies may be prevented. Last year when LiNK came to Bethel, sophomores Becca Bunch and Brittany Fabris, along with senior Brittany Replogle felt the need for the campus to become a part of this organization. Since last year’s visit, Bunch has made LiNK an official club on campus. Their goal is to raise awareness and support for what is happening in North Korea. “It is hard for us to imagine living the way the North Koreans are forced to because of the luxuries we have,” said Bunch. “We have freedom of speech, and freedom of press. We don’t have to worry about our government killing us for upsetting them. Although we can’t help them in a visible way we can do what we can to raise awareness in order to get more people involved. So someday we may see liberty in North Korea.” Now that LiNK is an official club on Bethel Campus, it has regular meetings and several activates planned for this year. The regular meeting time for LiNK is at 9 p.m. at Sufficient Grounds in Conference Room number two. On Saturday, October 23, there will be a baked sale at the volleyball game at one, the girls’ soccer game at one, and the guys’ soccer game at seven. The baked goods will include fall treats and the profits will go to aid LiNK. And finally, on Oct. 28 from 8 to 10 p.m. in AC 342 there will be a showing of a documentary titled “Hiding” which is about the life of a refugee. College is a great time to start getting involved with organizations that impact the world. It is the time when students have left home and are on their own, but they are not yet facing the demands of a full-time job and a family to support. “Don’t wait because you’re just going to get busier,” said Bunch. “I think students should come out to a meeting to at least get themselves informed about an issue most people don’t know about. And once you have begun to understand the lack of human rights in North Korea you will want to do whatever you can to help out.” For more information regarding LiNK contact Becca Bunch or Brittany Replogle. The Bethel College club can also be found on facebook: LiNK Chapter-Bethel College.