A group of students reading the Bible for Scripture 66 last year. (Photo by Yon Moya) The 6th annual Scripture 66 event is taking place this weekend Nov. 12-15th in the Central Gazebo. The event, which kicks off at 11:59 am Nov. 12, is a time for the Bethel community to come together to read straight through Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, over a period of three days. “The task may seem overbearing, but as a corporate collective, we are able to cover massive ground in this short amount of time," said junior Dustin Heath. “The word is paramount to the air we breathe and should be treated with such respect. It's an opportunity to commune together and dig into the word.” Heath who is in charge of the Scripture 66 event also said: “It's not a mandatory thing, and people shouldn't feel guilty if they can't make it; that said, I can only encourage everyone to give it a try. It's a twist on a small time devotional, turning it into a majority Bible time set apart for the campus as a whole. It puts the accounts of Scripture into perspective, almost as linear as our Western Culture appreciates. A cover to cover reading of the Bible is something everyone should experience sometime.” Those helping with the Scripture 66 have plans to renovate the Central Gazebo by Nov. 12. The team has ordered a tent covering for the sides of the gazebo to protect the readers from the wintery elements. The weather is expected to be chilly so the gazebo will be heated and blankets will be available for scripture 66 participants. In addition, complimentary hot cocoa will be served to all who attend. Students can sign up for 15 minute reading slots at http://www.bethelcollege.edu/signup/Scripture66.
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