
What are your new year’s resolutions?

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Randall Bridges, junior: I lost just over 50 lbs. last year. My goal is to gain it back here in 2011. Kirtis Shepard, freshman: To be in The Word everyday! Becky Harness, junior: My New Year Resolution is to get a higher GPA than Jennifer Moya. Lindsay Stork, sophomore: My New Year's Resolution is to work out at least 5 days a week!  Shelby Trusty, freshman: My New Year's goal is to memorize the book of James. Peter Stergios, junior: My goal for the year is to become a better steward of my time, money, and life in general. Dr. Bob Laurent, Professor of Religion and Bible: I’m going to try to stop watching “Dancing with the Stars” with Dennis Engbrecht every Monday night. Mckenzie Mallo, freshman: No pop and no McDonald's Margaret Rhein, freshman: I am going to memorize the Athanasian Creed. Krista Ream, freshman: My new year's resolution is to get back on track with God. Elizabeth Troup, sophomore: I don't make New Year's resolutions. I make a life change. Elaina Gillin, freshman: To finish reading the Bible Abbi Stump, freshman: My new year’s resolution is to lose 40 pounds and become closer to God. Katy Boonstra, freshman: To memorize the words to "We Didn't Start the Fire" Also, to read through the entire Bible. Lisa Chang, sophomore: To lose at least ten pounds and gain muscle by fall semester. David Pepin, senior: I don't not want to definitely for sure make these resolution: Make a billion dollars, invent a new species of animal, figure out what a mani pedi is, find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop, and get the "Coco Wheats" theme song out of my head." Brent Reimer, Semester Abroad Director: Not to get delayed in an airport on the way to Pacific Rim. Oh wait, failed. Stuck in Detroit overnight.   Richard T. Young, professor: I thought I do something really original this year. I wanted to make a unique and interesting resolution so I am going to  . . . lose weight. Ted Bryant, professor: To make intentional, practical steps to become the man I want to be. . . no excuses.
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