
The Nutshell: What are Your Plans for Spring Break?

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MISHAWAKA – The time has come for another Nutshell for The Beacon. This week, we asked Bethel students what their plans are for Spring Break. 

Corbin Knight, a freshman Christian Ministries major, said, “I have no plans for Spring Break!” 

Destiny Dodd, a freshman Liberal Studies major, said, “My plans are to work and possibly be involved in jury duty.” 

Danny Gonzalez, a freshman Music Education major, said, “This semester, for Spring Break, I will be going to Kalahari with my boys!” 

Kaene Haughee, a sophomore Education major, said, “I’m actually hanging out here in town and doing observation hours for some education classes I have.” 

Roland Kinsman, a freshman Music Education major, said, “The travelling theatre group, Genesians, will be around the Midwest performing ‘Ten Miles to Jericho’ and ‘Click, Clack, Moo.’” 

Ethan Babler, a freshman Theatre major, had the same idea, saying, “I am going to be travelling with Bethel’s theatre group, the Genesians, over Spring Break.” 

This week, there are quite a few others at Bethel who haven’t got much going on over Spring Break. This week’s question was met with plenty of “visits to family” or “just hanging around,” but it’s perfectly fine to take as much rest and relaxation as Spring Break provides. College isn’t an easy gig and everyone needs time to decompress. That being said, however you’re spending your Spring Break, make sure to stay safe and take the time you need for yourself. 

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