After the happenings of Wednesday’s chapel, there has been a wide variety of mixed emotions from both students and faculty alike. Many reacted and were touched by the events and testimonies shared on Wednesday. “What happened last Wednesday was wonderful: what I saw seemed to be the work of the Holy Spirit touching people's hearts,” said Dr. Christian Davis, a professor of English, “However, the real test will be the long-term fruit that comes of it, and that is still to be seen.” Dr. Duane Beals, a professor in ministry, said this was the third chance he’s seen such an event happen in his life. “Some people go their whole lives without seeing something like this,” said Beals. There was a similar event that happened in 1991, as chapel ran into the afternoon and teams were sent forth to tell the story to churches and colleges in the Midwest. In 1991, the speaker’s name was Gary Wright, and he was a graduate of Asbury, which went through a time known by many as a revival while he was a student there. The chapel sparked conversations of testimony, confession, and making amends in regards to relationships. Beals was driving in his car last Wednesday morning, and said to himself, “It’s been twenty years, and it’s time for another one.” Beals said we cannot continue at the same level of intensity for a long period of time. However, he added, “Those of us who are a part of those things tend not to forget them. There will be people whose lives will be permanently changed as a result of this.” “From here we go where we always need to go: prayer, obedience to God's word, love for Him and His people,” Davis said, ”I don't yet know how those things will work out in specific actions, although the start has to be more prayer.”