In response to last Wednesday’s extraordinary chapel service over 30 new discipleship groups have been created. Shawn Holtgren, Vice President for Student Development, made the announcement in chapel Feb. 21. Sign-ups for the groups commenced early afternoon Feb. 21. Group leaders are made up of professors such as Ted Bryant and Robby Prenkert. However professors are not the only ones who will be leading these small groups. Josh Hartsell, Oakwood Resident Assistant, and Terry Zeitlow, Vice President of Development and other Bethel faculty will also be leading groups After the events of last week Holtgren asked both faculty and staff to lead small groups across campus. “As followers of Jesus, it is vital that we learn to abide in Him, and grow as His disciples,” said Holtgren in an email sent to the Bethel community. Students can sign up for groups until Feb. 23. Many groups can only hold 10-12 students so students are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible. Follow this link to sign up for a discipleship group.