
What was the best or worst thing about Valentine’s Day?

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Rebecca Brandt , sophomore: The best thing about Valentine’s Day was being serenaded by some awesome friends. Amy Shirk, sophomore: Tanking up for the 40 minute drive: $20. Buying a single red rose: $2.50. Seeing the look on my boyfriend's face when I dropped in unexpectedly at his work...priceless. Mary Beth Thar, sophomore: I am 54 years old and a newlywed. I am married to a marvelous man and this was our third Valentine’s Day together. After 27 years in an abusive marriage with only sad Valentine Days, the last 3 have been filled with love and kindness. So, the best part for me is being married to a Valentine that is kind, compassionate, caring, loving and supportive of me being a student at Bethel. Leah Smith, junior: Splashing in every single puddle on my way to and from classes in my rain boots. Jesse Maurer, freshman: The best thing was not having a Valentine to worry about. The worst thing was not having a Valentine to worry about. Zachary Gillis, sophomore: This was my 1st Valentine's Day as a single man and you know what? It was fantastic! Ashlyn Havens, freshman: I spent quality time with my boyfriend. We went on a walk by the Riverwalk and God blessed everyone with a beautiful day (we celebrated Sunday but Monday was nice too) Ashlee Stanley, sophomore: Best thing about Valentine's Day was going out to DQ with my Suitemate Alathea Douglas, and buying each other's blizzards. Tim Matteson, video services: Worst:  The expectations are unreasonable.  Doesn’t matter if you’re doing special things 364 days a year.  If you happen to botch Valentine’s Day, you’re a clod.  Best:  flowers from Bill Bemis.  YOU FORGOT THIS YEAR! Sean Crumpacker, freshman: Being single. Lindsay Stork, sophomore: I got a package! My mom sent me tons of candy, Doves, dark chocolate M&M's, & even a card with $10 in it. I also got a card with $10 cash from my grandma! Tyler Hufnagle, freshman: It’s stupid. Nancy Cole, freshman:  Just like most holidays in America, it has become too commercialized.  The true meaning of doing something nice for someone just because you care has gone by the way-side it seems  and it has become what are you going to give me for Valentines.  The simple things in life such as giving ones time and attention or doing something nice for someone seems so minute to most people.  Yet, it is the simple things that you remember the most that someone has done for you.   Tim Erdel, philosophy professor: Sally said “Yes!” on Valentine’s Day in 1976.
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