Campus News

Housing sign-ups get remodeled

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Resident Life team has created a new point system for housing.
A new point system will now determine student housing arrangements. Every group that signs up for campus housing will be prioritized based on each member’s individual “score.” “We believe students will benefit by seeing how the choices they make while on campus directly affect their housing placement,” shared Shupe RD Lindsey Weber. Students can achieve a higher rank by being an upperclassman, making the Dean’s List, maintaining Chapel attendance, avoiding serious disciplinary issues, and applying with a complete group for their requested residence hall (i.e. groups with four people for Founder’s Village rather than three will receive a higher “score”). In addition to these factors of placement, students will be required to rank their preferences for all housing options including Sailor, Founder’s Village, Perimeter and The Lodge. In the event of a tie, the time and date that groups sign up will be reviewed, in other words if you’re not an early bird you might want to become one. A housing party will launch sign-ups in early April and will remain online through most of the month. Each group needs only one member to apply the entire group. The correct name spelling and ID for all group members will be needed. Although group ranks will be determined at the semester’s end, housing decisions won’t be finalized until mid-summer after incoming transfers and new freshmen have been considered. All current Bethel students will use the online system, but incoming transfer students and freshmen will be inserted manually. “Basically, we’re attempting to reward upperclassmen students who have been making positive community life decisions,” explained Weber. With the switch, there is hope that this point system will help standardize housing and create more incentive for making positive life choices among Bethel’s community.
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