Campus News

Mishawaka remembers Sept. 11, 2001

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Ten years ago the United States of America was attacked, not only by terrorists who hijacked aircraft, but by hatred and malice, on Sept. 11, 2001. Although stunned and horrified, our nation responded with unwavering solidity. Emergency response teams, local heroes, American citizens, and the U.S. government all rose to the occasion, sacrificed, mourned, and unified, resulting in a stronger nation with a singled heartbeat. Now ten years later, people remember those whose lives were stolen and sacrificed on that catastrophic day. On Sept. 11, 2011, Mishawaka joined together to commemorate our nation’s unity, remember those who are no longer here, and celebrate the local heroes who protect us every day. More than 300 people attended the Mishawaka Candlelight Remembrance Ceremony at Beutter Park, including U.S. Representative Joe Donnelly, Mishawaka Mayor Dave Wood, and several members of the Mishawaka Police and Honor Guard. “To stand up here and see hundreds of residents coming to one of our parks to remember a somber event really restores my faith in our community,” Mishawaka’s mayor told the South Bend Tribune. The ceremony consisted of prayer, candle-lighting, patriotic music by Mishawaka High School’s marching band, an official proclamation by Mayor Wood, an address by Congressman Donnelly, as well as a memorial dedicated to the New York firefighters who lost their lives. “Those firemen headed into the building knowing full well that they would never come out,” Representative Donnelly reminded the crowd. “Our firemen would have done the same thing. Our police officers and EMTs would have done the same thing.” The thirty-minute service touched all who attended and reminded citizens to maintain pride for their country and community alike. Many heroes died that tragic day ten years ago, but many more continue to do their jobs every day.
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