Campus News

American Red Cross provides second blood drive of the semester

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On Dec. 6, Bethel College held the second blood drive provided by the American Red Cross this semester. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., students and faculty supported the cause and donated their blood. Despite a little trouble early in the day with computers having to be rebooted, everything ran smoothly and was considered a success. The American Red Cross has been no stranger to Bethel College as they hold drives in the new Goodman Gymnasium several times a year. On Tuesday, they had about ten beds for students to give blood and their seemed to be a solid flow of students throughout the entire day. Prior to the blood drive beginning, students were given the opportunity to sign up for an appointment time online or they could just walk in.
Bethel students filled the Goodman Gymnasium to give blood Dec. 6. (photo by Josh Winningham)
Athletes John Rogers and Danie Reily coordinated the event and represented Bethel by making sure everything was provided. They were chosen for an internship through the American Red Cross and are in charge of organizing three to four drives a year. According to Rogers, Bethel has been very supportive and willing to help with the drives. Overall, there is a lot of responsibility that comes with coordinating a blood drive. “Our job is to find donors as well as prepare the gym and help promote the Red Cross in the Bethel community,” said Rogers. “Without Danie and the amazing support from the men's baseball and women's softball teams these blood drives wouldn't be possible.” Rogers also mentioned that he thought the Dec. 6 drive was extremely successful and that he was satisfied with how everything turned out. According to the American Red Cross, there is someone who needs blood every second of the day. In addition, they state that only about three percent of Americans give blood.    
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