Campus News

Annual freshmen banquet was a hit

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On Friday, Dec. 10, the annual Freshmen Banquet was held in the Rotunda of the Everest-Rohrer Chapel from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. According to Resident Assistant Jodi Spotts, more freshmen attended than expected because the tickets were sold out and eventually people had to be added onto a list.
Freshmen Amy Wildman, Ali Carstens, Kim Minnich and Kaitlyn Smith try on stylish mustaches. (Provided by Facebook)
Activities included making snowflakes and a Christmas song game in which each table had to sing a line of a Christmas song. If they couldn’t think of a song, their group was out. The game that seemed to draw the most attention was one which consisted of seeing who could wrap a present in the fastest time. The competitors had to wrap a tuber ware container with only three pieces of tape, tie a ribbon around it, curl the ribbon, and then place a bow on top. This game was more of a hit than others from years past. The Oakwood/Slater boys were cheering one another and trying to beat Resident Director Josh Harstell’s time. Eventually Hartsell and freshman Luke Eichorn agreed on a tie of 24 seconds. Attendees enjoyed cheesecake for desert and punch, took pictures with their friends in a photo booth, and listened to music over the speakers or performed by various students.
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