A lot is riding on what happens in the upcoming South Carolina Republican primary Jan. 21. Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney are neck-and-neck according to the latest poll results. Since the New Hampshire primary on Jan. 10 Texas governor Rick Perry and former Utah governor Jon Huntsman have dropped out of the race for the republican nomination. Huntsman has endorsed Mitt Romney while Perry has pledged to support Newt Gingrich.Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are close in polls as the South Carolina primary approaches (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) Romney was declared the winner in the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 3 over Rick Santorum by a slim margin of only 8 votes. However, new results show Santorum may have won the Republican caucuses by 34 votes. The Iowa GOP has called the contest a tie because votes from eight precincts ending up missing. During the Jan. 16 Republican Presidential Debate Newt Gingrich stole the night after answering a question from reporter Juan Williams. Williams was challenging Gingrich for labeling President Obama a “food stamp president.” Gingrich said he wanted to help American citizens “learn how to get a job, learn how to get a better job and learn someday to own the job.” The crowd reacted with a full standing ovation. Although former House speaker Gingrich is riding the positive press from the debate, his former wife of 18 years Marianne Gingrich is slated to appear on ABC News Jan. 19. The appearance could produce some tough questions for House speaker Gingrich. Gingrich was involved in a six-year affair with current wife Callista during his marriage to Marianne. Senior Joe Hutchinson noted he wasn’t well read on all the issues the candidates represent, but if he had to choose today he would pick Ron Paul. “I have liked him for a while, but I don’t think he has the face or popularity to make a good run at the white house like Romney does,” said Hutchinson. Sophomore Tyler Hartsough wants Rick Santorum to win because he appears to be a down to earth guy that could sympathize with the middle class. “I don’t find him to be flashy like the other candidates and I think he can relate better with the average American than some of the other candidates,” said Hartsough. Hartsough also mentioned America needs a president confident without a big ego so he can better relate to the common man.
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