Campus News

Engbrecht calls Bethel to action

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Students, faculty and staff were called to action by Dennis Engbrecht, senior vice president of Bethel College, on Monday, Feb. 13. Since the beginning of January, Bethel has been competiting with area colleges in hopes of feeding 250,000 local families through local charities. According to the "South Bend Tribune," Notre Dame has collected enough money and canned goods to feed 53,000 families. Saint Mary’s has raised $350 so far, Holy Cross has raised $750 and Ivy Tech has collected 600 pounds of food. Indiana University South Bend hasn’t started their drive yet. Theirs will begin on Feb. 27 and will run through Mar. 9. While the other colleges have done fairly well in raising funds and collecting non-perishables, Bethel has not, causing the food drive to be extended until Tuesday, Feb. 21. Food can be dropped off in the Dining Commons, on the second floor of the Huffman Administration Building and the first floor of the Miller-Moore Academic Center. Sodexo will match any food the campus raises in weight.
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