Campus News

National Collegiate Day of Prayer

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Bethel students, faculty and staff  participated in the National Collegiate Day of Prayer on Feb. 23. Originally, both the Shiloh Prayer Chapel and the Everest-Rohrer Chapel were set aside for the prayer event. However, the Everest-Rohrer Chapel ended up being double booked with another on campus event. So the Shiloh Prayer Chapel became the hub for those participating on campus in the National Collegiate Day of Prayer. According to the official National Collegiate Day of Prayer Facebook page this year’s national day of prayer included almost 1200 prayer groups praying for 2500 campuses. “Please partner with thousands of other students, parents, grandparents and pastors who are praying today for spiritual awakening on America's colleges,” wrote the group on its Facebook page. The National Collegiate Prayer is a movement trying to reestablish the importance of prayer on campuses across the nation. In the past, according to Collegiate Day of Prayer's website, churches within the United States have set aside a day to pray for colleges and universities across the nation for hundreds of years. National Collegiate Prayer believes there is a greater need now than ever before for students attending colleges across the nation to unite in prayer. The organization now holds the Collegiate Day of Prayer on the last Thursday of every February. Bethel students were encouraged to pray individually and in groups throughout the day at the Shiloh Prayer Chapel. Junior Zach Castillo went to the Shiloh Prayer chapel during the National Collegiate Day of Prayer event. However, there was not a large turnout when he stoppped by. “The most that was ever there was three including myself,” said Castillo Castillo said he prayed for campuses across the United States and Bethel’s campus. In addition, he prayed for unbelievers and those struggling through the craziness that surrounds midterms.  
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