Campus News

The Sex and Skinny Tour heads to Bethel

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The Sex and Skinny Tour is headed to Bethel from Wed., Feb. 1, until Fri., Feb. 3. There will be two main speakers, Constance Rhodes and Nate Larkin, who will be speaking in Chapel on Wednesday and Friday, as well as at Vespers on Wednesday evening.
“The S&S Tour is a frank conversation about the two areas people struggle with most – sex and eating/body image issues – and about finding freedom from them,” said Rhodes.
According to Rhodes students can expect “two remarkable stories, a little craziness, and some music.” Rhodes believes students should make an extra effort to make it to Chapel on Wednesday and Friday. “If you skip Wednesday, you’ll miss something unexpected, which people will be talking about the rest of the week. If you come Wednesday you probably won’t even think about skipping Friday,” said Rhodes. There will also be breakout sessions on Thursday during which the girls will hear from Rhodes and the guys will hear from Larkin. It will give a chance for “deeper connection with those seeking healing in these areas for themselves or to support a friend,” said Rhodes. Rhodes said after she wrote her book “Life Inside the ‘Thin’ Cage” she has dreamt of speaking about sex and food issues, as well as how they are linked. “When I met Nate (author of “Samson and the Pirate Monks”) our personalities, stories and missions just seemed to click,” said Rhodes. “Too often these subjects are segregated – sex issues talked about with guys, food issues with girls. We get to bring them both to the same audience at the same time. Amazing things happen and it’s a privilege to be a part of it.”
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