Kristin West, junior: I would take the Bible and James Earl Jones so he can read it to me. Jesse Suter, freshman: Book –“The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas, movie –“Ocean's 11,” and person - George Washington Carver. Katie Barabas, sophomore: If I was on a deserted Island, I would want my Bible, “Remember the Titans” or “That Thing You Do,” and Aaron Storm with me. Mahala Miller, freshman: The Bible, “The Titanic,” and my wonderfully resourceful boyfriend, Nicholas. Jordan Morey, junior: Book – “U.S. Army Survival Manual,” movie – “Cast Away,” and person - Bear Grylls. Barbara Brutt, senior: Together, my sister and I would create a deserted island paradise with the book “War and Peace” and the movie “She's the Man.” Luke Eichorn, freshman: Book - The Bible, Movie – “It's a Wonderful Life” (which is) ironic; I know. Person - whoever my future wife is. Zach Castillo, senior: "1000 Uses for A Coconut” and "The Count of Monte Cristo." But if I can't have a DVD player and a TV and there's no plug-in then I don't want a movie; instead I want a drum and I would bring Drew Bishop. Sherry Younger, junior: I would take Tom Hanks ("Cast Away") with me because he has been stranded before and knows exactly what to do. Jeremy Day, senior: “Quick guide to Avoiding Dehydration in Desert Climates,” “Spirited Away” (even though I can't watch it without a TV), and Wilson. Deb LaRock, staff: I would take the Bible for reassurance of my faith and because it is the most read. “The Titanic” because one must appreciate the portrayed love and love lost. I would want my husband with me – he is my soul mate, who can live in peace with nature and appreciate the elements. Lindsay Stork, junior: The Bible, “How to lose a guy in 10 Days,” and Haleigh Moore.
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