Campus News

Students deal with rising gas prices

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Since the beginning of the year, gas prices have continued to climb and are currently knocking on the door of four dollars per gallon. Historically, the rise of fuel prices during spring and summer is nothing new, but how are students dealing with the recent upward trend at the pump? Junior Levi Riggenbach’s weekly driving consists mainly of trips to church multiple times. “This may not be that much, but every little bit adds up,” said Riggenbach. Riggenbach said he doesn’t generally spend money on anything other than gas. What is to be done about the rise in gas prices? "That is a hard question,” answered Riggenbach. “Some people cite the current administration as a problem,” said Riggenbach. “However, eventually gas prices will have to rise as there is more demand than supply. One solution would be to open up more of the (oil) supply that is in the United States. Senior Josh Lutz said he doesn’t believe there is one magic answer to the rising cost of fuel. “My guess is as people continue to move towards electric cars over the next five to 10 years, we'll see a decrease, but until then it will just continue to fluctuate,” said Lutz. How are cash-strapped students affected by the rise in fuel at the pump? “I have to pay for my own gas and so I've been walking to Kroger and trying to drive around less to save money,” said Lutz. Junior Brittany Fabris, like Lutz, is simply trying to drive less. “I’m trying not to drive as much so I can save my money,” said Fabris. According to the current national average for a gallon of regular fuel is $3.83, which is up 31 cents from a month ago.  Indiana is slightly above the national average at $3.88 per gallon.
Cash-strapped students are forced to deal with the rising cost of gasoline. (photo from
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