Campus News

Tornado warning was a false alarm

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A tornado drill alert was sent out by text message to students' phones on Monday, appearing to be from campus safety. In actuality, the text message wasn't sent by them, raising questions about whether their security had been breeched. A rumor surfaced that someone had hacked into their system. "It appears to have been a glitch in the software," said Capt. Paul Neel. In an email sent by Neel to faculty and staff, Neel said that if it were an actual drill, there would've been an email sent from campus safety preceding the drill. According to Neel, software developers of the program that disperses the text message alerts assisted the I.T. department at Bethel College and that they believe that it was a software malfunction, not a prank or hack on the system. Neel added that it was very poor timing, in light of studying at the end of the year and finals.
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