By Kelsey Bucknam Josh Nguye, Junior "Bar spiritual things, i.e. Jesus, salvation, God, I am probably most thankful for the break itself. It is nice to spend a few days away from school and school people. It is always good to see family, and of course eat like your trying to grow your pant size by 3 or 4 inches." Jackson Boisse, Freshman "I am most grateful for the way God provides. He always seems to have a plan so intricate you never see it coming, and when it arrives it's perfect." Casey Hasselkus "I am most thankful for my uncle loading me up with venison steaks and pheasant, making my Indiana freezer look just right, as well as my family's tradition of having a real wild turkey for dinner. Guess you could say I love coming from a hunter's family." Katie Holdren , Freshman "Moving back into my house after a fire in May and being with my family in our new home!" Claudia Pedraza, Senior "I am most thankful for my loved ones and to be given the opportunity to have transferred to Bethel where I am so much more happy and closer to God! " Jeffrey Santos, Sophomore "Puertorican food!" Andrew C. Cary, Freshman "Two words. National. Championship." Alyssa Korsmo, Freshman "I was thankful to spend time with my family and just relax and have a good time."