Campus News

Midnight Breakfast: A worthwhile tradition for students

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This year, Midnight Breakfast was full of surprises. The biggest and probably the most well received surprise was the “Gangnam Style” flash mob that occurred about halfway through the night. "The RAs in Tuckey and Manges wanted to do something fun for Midnight Breakfast ... they asked a few of us to join in," said freshman Sara Demaster, a participant in the flash mob. "We wanted a big group in the end, and we got a lot of awesome people to do it." Midnight Breakfast is a Bethel tradition, where students gather, often in costume, at 11 p.m. in the D.C. Professors serve pancakes, eggs and sausage to students as they try to detox right before finals week. "I believe that Midnight Breakfast was very successful (this year)," said Professor Theo Williams, a co-host of the event this year. "There was a great turnout overall and there seemed to be some energy in the crowd that seemed to be lacking last spring ... Reed Lyons and his team did a great job for their first go round." One of the main draws of Midnight Breakfast is the costume contest, which consists of a group and solo categories. The winner of the group portion was about a dozen or so students all dressed almost identically to the main characters from Alice in Wonderland. The winner of the solo portion was sophomore Aaron Charles, dressed as deceased Cubs legend Harry Caray. He performed his best impression of the broadcaster and ended up garnering plenty of love from Cubs fans in the audience. Both winners, along with the second and third place winners in each category, received hefty cash sums for their efforts. At the end of the night, a 32-inch flatscreen TV was raffled off, as well. No one knew who the hosts were until they came on stage (a few minutes late). Professor Theo Williams, host of the last eight Midnight Breakfast events, had been denying that he was a host this year. That turned out to be false, however, as Professors Theo and Tim Williams took the stage as their alter egos: Nick Fury from  "The Avengers" and Morpheus of  "The Matrix" fame, respectively.
The resident assistants in Sailor Hall orchestrated a "Gangnam Style" flash mob.
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