Campus News

New club brews interest

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“I’m Dr. Oglesbee, and yes, this is a real club,” the founder of the club said to the students in the learning commons conference room. A few weeks ago, during the student life chapel, Dr. Eric Oglesbee ran to the stage to tell the college about the Bethel College Specialty Coffee and Tea Club (BCSCTC). Students cheered, laughed, and then asked each other if the stunt was a joke. The call out meeting, which took place Monday Sept. 16 removed all doubt.  At the meeting, Oglesbee explained why the actuality of the club was questioned in the first place. The idea for the club came up last year. The group had members and a constitution, but no one was willing to take initiative to schedule meetings and bring the dream to life. For this reason, the members present at the meeting quickly elected officers that they hope will give the BCSCTC the push it needs to get its feet of the ground. Jennifer Miller, the newly elected President of the BCSCTC, will be an essential part of that push. “I think this year we have a core group of enthusiastic people,” said Miller. “I think that group will work together to get it (the club) off the ground.” When it comes to coffee and tea, Miller expressed a love for both. She envisions herself traveling or walking to and from class with a coffee drink (pumpkin and coconut flavors are her favorite). Tea, however, she saves for reading books in a worn chair with rain, or Fleetwood Mac, providing the background noise. Though she often uses the drinks for leisure, the club’s president believes that they have importance. “It brings people together in a way,” said Miller. “There’s something about having coffee or tea with your friends, like meeting them at sufficient. It just sort of works.” According to Miller, the club will also benefit the student body as a whole. “Dr. Oglesbee has dreams of starting our own coffee blend that you can buy at sufficient,” said Miller, adjusting her American Flag scarf to match her presidential title. If  Miller is right and the club gets rolling, what can members expect from it? Well, the main purpose of the club is to get people together to learn about, and enjoy, coffees and teas of a wide variety. Membership in the BCSCTC includes monthly meetings, occasional “roastings” (coffee and tea making at Oglesbee’s house), and possibly the chance to hear from coffee and tea making professionals in the area. Whether the club will be a success this year is still a mystery, but the leadership team certainly has big plans. Anyone interested helping the BCSCTC in its first year should know that it is not too late. The next meeting will be held Monday Sept. 30 at 9 p.m. in the learning commons conference room, and all who are interested are welcome, but who is the club for? “I have a theory that everyone has a flavor,” said Miller. “Maybe if the group can get rolling, you can brew yours.”
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