Campus News

Students gather to watch Super Bowl XLVIII

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Approximately 340 students attended the 2014 campus-wide Super Bowl party in the Acorn. In the past, the party has been held in Sufficient Grounds; however, the festivities were moved to the Acorn this year to accommodate more students. stadium-2013-4_3 “It’s a lot more room,” commented sophomore TJ Barton. “It’s a lot better because we’re not squeezed in, and everyone can see the TV.” Students came and went throughout the evening, and some even brought assignments with them. “I think it’s interesting that most people brought homework, too,” said sophomore AJ Reynolds. At halftime of the game the Seattle Seahawks had built a 22-0 lead over the Denver Broncos. It was a surprising score to many people. “If I could say one word, shocking,” junior Gavin McGrath said shortly after halftime. “I mean, almost unbelievable. I don’t think anyone could have predicted the outcome in this game.” “I like both teams, but the Broncos, I’m like, are you serious?” asked Christen Wegner, senior. “I mean, they’re not even here!” “This is the worst Super Bowl ever,” said Lucas Brown, junior. “The Broncos did not deserve to win this game. They did not come and play.” “I liked the Broncos before Peyton Manning was even a part of the team,” said Joe Rasbaugh, sophomore. “I mean, they’re not my favorite NFL team, but I like them.” “I’m glad I became a Seahawks fan,” said Reynolds. “Denver’s going to be really disappointed when they wake up tomorrow and find out that the Super Bowl was today.” Acorn Student Manager Joshua Varab said that they were too busy to keep an exact count, but he estimates they made well over 100 samplers. The ‘samplers’ included macaroni and cheese, two stuffed mini pretzels, two mozzarella sticks with dipping sauce, two mini corn dogs and a fountain drink. Students did, however, have to swipe for the samplers. “What’s with that?” asked Wegner. “I mean, you come to a Super Bowl party knowing there’s going to be food there, and then you get there and you have to pay for it? I mean, come on!” Several other students expressed that they liked the option of the macaroni and cheese sampler. “This is really good,” said freshman Chelsea Thomas. In the end, the Seattle Seahawks won the Super Bowl 43-8. Although most of the students at the party proclaimed themselves to be Broncos fans, and were disappointed at the outcome of the game, overall students seemed to enjoy the evening.
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