Campus News

Bethel College career fair recap

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The Bethel College Career fair took place on March 21. The event was well attended, attended by over 100 employers with over 500 available positions. The total attendance was around 200 students. Students got to know some potential employers and look for internships. The event occurs annually, and students are highly encouraged to go.

"We received great feedback from both faculty and school districts on this event and the importance of meeting casually, conversing with education majors and learning more about Bethel College,” Matthew Stackowicz, director of career development and global engagement, reported.

“We also had interview rooms this year at the Career Fair where employers could interview candidates and hire them on the spot,” Stackowicz continued. Stackowicz wasn’t able to say if any students got hired on the spot, the interview rooms were well occupied throughout the fair. This was a new aspect to the event, and will hopefully carry over to future fairs. “One of the best things about the career fair was that freshmen through seniors attended,” said Stackowicz. “We had many freshmen comment on the feedback survey that they were underdressed, underprepared, and did not know what to expect or do.” It was a growing experience for all who attended and a good starting place for some freshmen. The fields of health care, finance, business and education led the way with representation. The event was a fantastic opportunity for attendees, with amazing opportunities for potential jobs. (Photo from Bethel College Career Fair 2017)
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