
Bethel Worship Arts Album Release Party

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MISHAWAKA, IND. -- Last Thursday, Sept. 6, Bethel Worship Arts held an album release party for their new album, Heartcry. The Worship Arts team, and several volunteers, sang songs from the album to a crowd of 75 people. 

That night was also the kick-off for what the team is calling “Stream Week.” They are asking everyone on campus to stream Heartcry on every service available from Sept. 6 - 14. (Heartcry can be purchased from digitally from iTunes, online from hcmrecords.org, and streamed digitally from Spotify and Pandora.)  

Terry Linhart, leader of the Worship Arts team, chose to hold this “Stream Week” because, “The social media presence, and the number of listens is very important to the albums growth.”  The album is made up of eight songs, half of which are originals. The track list of the album is: Heartcry, Reckless Love, It Is Well, Sweet Holy Spirit, Lifted High, Give Me Strength, Oh Praise the Name, and Give Me Faith. The albums artwork was all done by Bethel art department students.  The writing and production of the album took about six months. It was written and mainly recorded at Bethel but was finished in Nashville. Billy Smiley was the producer of the album and was integral in its production.   The Worship Arts team chose to have so many covers because they are received better than originals and this will get more attention for the album.  The release party started at 7:30 p.m. in Sufficient Grounds and was introduced by Linhart. The Bethel Worship Arts team led with “Heartcry” and was followed by Samuel Prater with “I Surrender.” Luis Onsorio and Alyssa Stair followed with “Give Me Strength,” JalonTae Blakely and Devlin McNeil sang “Give Me Faith.” Aaron Nuemayer and Zach Teter performed “Show You Glory” and Wanise Little sang “Out of Hiding.” Zesty and Luis Onsorio sang “Sweet Holy Spirit” and “Set a Fire,” Mylia Scott followed with “Do It Again.” Mark England, Zach Teter, Kayla Dietz, and Alyssa Stair concluded with “Show Us the Way.”  
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