Campus News

Bethel College Drumline Gathers ‘Round the Helm

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MISHAWAKA, IND.— This past Thursday, our very own Bethel College Drumline debuted their new talent for all to hear. The crew gathered around the helm in a circle and did their best “Little Drummer Boy” impersonation. The performance began at 8 p.m. and lasted about 15 minutes.

When asked about what they wished the audience would get out of the performance, Senior, Tre’von James stated, “Well I think this event is great for recruitment for the drumline, this is also to boost school spirit and morale on campus. Just something to do, and it’s going to be a good time tonight.” 

Senior and Drumline Director, Jace Middleton, just hopes to share his love for drums with the world, “Drums are just fun to listen to! I hope everyone has a good time”   The Helm experience was awesome, the choreography was in sync and everybody seemed to be in rhythm. I feel sorry for anyone who missed out on this opportunity. However, if you want more opportunities to experience the Bethel College Drumline, you can hear them playing late at night around campus. Just follow the sound of the drums.  Oct. 28, 2018 Drumline Performance Clip
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