
Bethel Graduates and Students form Acapella Group, Luminos

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 MISHAWAKA, IND.—On October 10, 2018 the Bethel College Concert Choir and Voices of Triumph announced they would be including a special guest in their Fall Concert Program, Luminos, a four-person acapella group. Their members include, Joshua Maurer, a 2018 Bethel graduate, Wesley Lantz, a 2018 Bethel graduate, along with Michaela Love and Bethany Mullet, who are both juniors.  

The Beacon reached out to Luminos to comment on the partnership, and received a reply from Joshua Maurer, who is not only a member of the group, but also the manager of Luminos. Maurer replied, “We are really honored to be joining the Bethel Concert Choir and Voices of Triumph as guests on their Fall Concert Program.” 

Luminos was formed by chance in February of 2018 by Maurer, Lantz, Love, and Mullet. They started off singing Valentines songs in a group around Indiana as part of Bethel College’s Voices of Triumph. They quickly realized they loved how they sounded together. They started singing together and planning times to perform.   They based the name Luminos on the Latin word for “illuminate”, lumino. After creating the name, they started performing around the area.   They are currently rehearsing for their Christmas programs, starting November 18. They will be traveling all over the country and performing. Some of the states included in their tour are Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, and Texas. They are all very excited for this tour and the opportunity to perform.
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