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Election Candidate Series: Part 1

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MISHAWAKA, IND.— As we prepare for mid-term elections, the Beacon wants to give you a quick list to help you determine who you think is the best fit for your leaders. This week, we cover the local candidates. Early registration has started, and in two weeks (Nov. 6), the polls officially open.  

First, are the Secretary of State candidates:   Jim Harper: Democrat  Main proposals: re-districting to avoid assumption in political campaigns in districts, promoting small businesses, adding on-site registration at the polls, and focusing on security with voting with a thre- step program including a paper trail, requiring risk-limiting audits, and listening to cyber-security recommendations.  “I will fight for common sense reforms that strengthen our electoral senate.”  Connie Lawson: Republican (current Secretary of State)  Main proposals: providing the owners of businesses with resources to help in making the demands easier on them, having honesty in her term, and ease in voting.  Mark Rutherford: Libertarian  Main proposals: re-districting based on location instead of aligning it by political parties. Also, reducing regulations which hinder small business owners and streamlining the reporting requirements for small businesses.   Next, State Representatives:  
  1. Patrick Bauer: Democratic (current Representative; only candidate)
Main proposals: While in office: created or co-authored bills for: gasoline tax, protection of special education students, ban on ivory and rhino horn sales, school funding, and newborn screening.  Continuing office: re-districting.  Finally, are those running for State Senator:  Edward Liptrap: Democrat  Main proposals: promoting parent involvement in education, protecting schools from unsolicited attacks, supporting gay rights, pushing for more inclusions for race, religion, sexual-orientation, and beliefs, funding of schools, and the cleaning of air and water supply.  Linda Rodgers (Republican)  Main proposals: allowing each school district to dictate what their education standards will be, more school funding, classes to promote eventual workplace jobs, shifting practices to help end the disease of addiction, reducing fees and regulations on small-business owners.
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