Campus News

It’s a Wonderful Life

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MISHAWAKA, IND.--On Nov. 8, 9 and 10 the Theatre Department will be producing the classic show “It’s a Wonderful Life,” by Philip Grecian. Shows are at 7:30 p.m., each evening along with a matinee on the Nov., 10, at 1 p.m. The performance on Nov. 9, will be interpreted for the deaf community. To purchase tickets, call (574) 807-7080.  

Erin Scott, a junior majoring in theatre, is the stage manager for the show.

"As a stage manager I am in charge of basically keeping everything going on track and making sure it runs smoothly,” said Scott. “If someone needs help with a line, I’m there, scene changes are my job...when it comes to performance, if there’s a sound that you hear, I’m the one who called it and made sure that it happened, if there’s a light change, I’m the one who’s in charge of that... I’ve got a lot of jobs.” 

Scott said that her favorite part of the show is working with the people.  “The designers are all really, really nice, and really easy to work with, which I was worried about at first, but they all communicate clearly, and that makes my job easier,” said Scott. “And then the actors are very excited to come to rehearsal every night, which I’ve had shows where they’ve not been like that... so having that enthusiasm is just, it’s great.”  Mattew Anderson, a sophomore and history major, is portraying the main character, George Bailey.  “I’m very used to playing more evil characters, so George Bailey’s a little different for me,” said Anderson. “But it’s been quite enjoyable, working with the kids especially... having them around changes the environment of everything.”  Anderson also touched on the uniqueness of seeing the show produced live as opposed to staying home and simply watching the movie.  “While the movie exists, yes, we’re not quite doing the movie,” said Anderson. “We have our own version of what happened and our own versions of the characters. Clarence specifically is wonderful, he’s not at all what the movie is like, but he has a wonderful interpretation of his character, and it’s really fun to work with him.”   As he excitedly anticipates the show’s premiere, Anderson encourages people to attend the production.  “It’s a wonderful show, come see it,” said Anderson. “It’s going to be a big show; a really big show.”
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