Campus News

Rightnow Media Resource Made Available

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MISHAWAKA, IND. -- Rightnow Media is a library of over 10,000 spiritual videos on topics including videos on leadership, marriage, parenting, and discipleship. Rightnow Media is a free gift for all Bethel students, faculty, and alumni. 

Rightnow Media is a tool that can meet each student where they are on their faith journey,” said Dr. Shawn Holtgren. “The long-term goal is to create (small) groups to help students on that journey.”   

Rightnow Media is a resource that can help prepare students for leadership and discipleship opportunities. It can be a tool for mid-week small groups and can aid students in their journey through the Christian faith.  Rightnow media provides a way to become more engaged in the spiritual life. Everyone on campus was sent an email including a link to the Rightnow Media app, which is compatible with many devices.
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