Campus News

Two Lacrosse Players Selected for Team USA Summer Games

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MISHAWAKA—Last week it was announced that Bethel College lacrosse teammates, seniors Kennedy Lower and Allison Coffeen, will be playing for Team USA in Brussels, Belgium and Amsterdam. The trip will mainly be in those locations, and scrimmages and games will be held with multiple teams. Lower and Coffeen will be in Europe from June 24 to July 3.  

Lacrosse won’t be the only thing the two will experience while there. The team will also be taking biking tours around Europe, visiting concentration camps, and other tourist attraction activities.   

“We’re basically being ambassadors for the U.S.,” Coffeen said. 

Coffeen started playing the sport just four years ago.  

“I started playing my freshman year here at Bethel. One of the girls I played with is actually the one coaching the USA team. She texted me and Kennedy over Thanksgiving break, inviting us to play with them,” she said. 

Coffeen encouraged The Beacon readers to come to a game this spring – their season begins March 8. The first home game is March 9 at noon, against Saint Ambrose University. 

“Yes, we do actually have a lacrosse team, even though we didn’t win any games last season. We’re still talented!”  

Lower was unavailable for comment. 

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