Campus News

Bethel College Begins to Change

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MISHAWAKA—Bethel College has slowly started to incorporate Bethel University into the picture. This is evident in the Bethel University mugs scattered around campus. However, over spring break something a little more important is going to happen.  

When you come back from spring break, all of the staff and faculty emails will have changed. Todd Lemons, director of infrastructure services and information technology services, said, “The changeover will take place on Wednesday, March 6 for all faculty and staff. Their addresses will be” 

The emails will change from to Don’t fret, this change will not mean that it is impossible to reach your professors. All emails sent to will be rerouted automatically to the appropriate email.  

Lemons, in reference to the student emails changing, said, “We will be announcing the student changeover after the faculty and staff change has been completed. It is true the change will take place after commencement; however, I am not ready to release that date yet as we prefer to send out an official notification/information first. I can say that students will start receiving information around April 15th with the official date and information they need to know” 

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