Campus News

Nominations for Servant Leader Awards Now Open

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MISHAWAKA— Every year, Bethel rewards four upperclassmen for being servant leaders in ministry and community service. The students are nominated by faculty, staff, and fellow students; the winners are selected by the Service Learning Office.

The four students selected will be recognized at the last chapel on April 26; each recipient will be given $1,000. In keeping with the theme of service, they will be allowed to keep $750 while the remaining $250 will go to a charity of their choice.

“That’s the cool part, is that this is totally nominated by Bethel,” said Cameron Regalado, a junior sociology major and the Service Learning program specialist. “Nobody has people in mind already, it’s based on, kind of, votes.” 

Regalado said that one of her favorite parts of selecting the finalists is reading through the nominations. 

“We go through those and see, obviously first who’s been nominated the most, but then also what’s been written about each of them,” said Regalado. “We get to read through each of those and see how people are serving.”

Regalado said that this year, she hopes that some of Bethel’s lesser-known student servants will be highlighted. 

“I think my focus this year is to reach students who don’t normally get recognized for their service,” said Regalado. “There’s a lot of people here who serve in other areas of the community or other areas of campus we don’t know about.”

If you want to nominate a junior or senior student for the award, fill out the form at

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