Campus News

Wellness Center in Search of New Nurse Practitioner

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MISHAWAKA—As of February 27, 2019, the nurse practitioner for our Wellness Center, Stephanie Gonzalez, resigned in pursuit of other things. 

“Stephanie Gonzales and her family have relocated to the Florida area to pursue a new position there. While we are sad to see her leave, we are grateful for her time here.” Said Robin Dykes, the Wellness Center Office Manager, “We wish Stephanie and her family all the best during this transition. We were simply blessed to have the practitioner for a year because Stephanie happened to have the training and was willing to serve in such a capacity.”

A nurse practitioner’s responsibilities include that of promoting health and wellness to students. Specifically, this means assessing, diagnosing, and treating students on campus. The hope is to secure a new nurse practitioner by the end of this year, but until then, there will be a registered nurse filling in as nurse practitioner through the month of March. 

She will be on campus from 9:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The registered nurse will possess all the capabilities of a nurse practitioner and will recommend over the counter treatments while also providing guidance to students on when they should seek a higher level of medical care. The nurse visits are free, but there is a small cash fee for certain tests used to rule out symptoms of specific illnesses.

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