
Nutshell: What is your favorite fall tradition?

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MISHAWAKA—Welcome back to the Nutshell! This is where the Beacon staff poses a question to you, the student body, and publishes your answers. 

This week we asked you: What is your favorite fall tradition? 

Victor Mejia-Ochoa, freshman criminal justice major, “Pumpkin carving.” 

Jerad Bos, freshman business management and marketing major, “Probably watching football.” 

Dr. Stephanie Carlson, Professor of Psychology, “My favorite fall tradition is picking honeycrisp apples.” 

Destiny Dodd, freshman liberal studies major, “Probably the normal Halloween, trick-or-treating thing. My family, we all get together, and we all have pizza and stuff after all the little ones are done trick-or-treating. So that’s fun.” 

Hope Feikema, junior sign-language interpreting major, “Carving pumpkins.” 

Cassidy Goodling, junior graphic design major, “Apple cider.” 

Dr. John Haas, Associate Professor of History, “Romantic walks with my wife through the falling leaves.” 

Anthony Jimenez, sophomore criminal justice major, “Probably apple picking.” 

Grace Livingston, freshman science education chemistry major, “My favorite fall tradition is probably camping with my family, looking at the stars and just spending time outside in the really nice weather.” 

Dawson McConville, freshman biochemistry and molecular biology major, “My favorite fall tradition is dressing up a scarecrow and shooting it.” 

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