Campus News

AEI Presents “The Pursuit”

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MISHAWAKA—On Wednesday, Nov. 6, the American Enterprise Institute [AEI] will be showing “The Pursuit” at 7 p.m. in the Academic Center, room 342. Free Chick-fil-a is being provided for attendees who registered for the event by Oct. 31. 

According to the event description on, the movie follows the true story of “professional musician turned intrepid economist Arthur Brooks” as he travels the world seeking to answer the question, “How can we lift up the world together, starting with those at the margins of society?” By the end of his journey, Brooks “discovers the secrets not only to material progress for the least fortunate, but also true and lasting happiness for all.” 

Andrew Aguilar, a senior economics and finance major, is currently president of Bethel’s AEI executive council. 

“What AEI is all about is, basically it’s a thinktank based out of Washington D.C.,” said Aguilar. “Our focus is on expanding and defending human dignity, building a freer and safer world which focuses on belief in democracy, free enterprise and the American strength in global leadership.” 

AEI is very different from other clubs or groups on campus since it is part of a much larger organization. Currently, there are only four Bethel students who are members, but they are looking to recruit many more. 

“There’s an application process you have to go through,” said Aguilar. “You fill out the application online, and then there’s a representative... she’ll contact you, do, like, a video interview... she got a little bit into my beliefs, my political stance, just a general basis of where you’re at.” 

Aguilar said they are looking for people who enjoy thoughtful conversation about important social questions. 

“They just want people who are open thinkers and are looking to create discussion on different public policy issues,” said Aguilar.  

If you are interested in joining AEI, you can contact Aguilar via his Bethel email,, or you can email the faculty advisor for AEI, Dr. Aaron Schavey, at  

“We’re all juniors or seniors, so we’re going to need people to step up,” said Aguilar. “That’s what this event is all about, is trying to find those freshman and sophomores so the club doesn’t die out in two years.” 

Aguilar also believes that the movie will create important discussion and reflection among attendees.  

“It makes you think,” said Aguilar. “I don’t want them to leave here, leave the film, and think ‘I believe this’; I want them to leave the film and start thinking about it more... this is just looking at a different view of how we can help people, which I think is valuable.” 

AEI will be hosting another event on Nov. 20, a leadership dinner; a political commentator will be giving a talk on the Christian role in politics. 

“We’re looking for 30 to 40 students to attend that,” said Aguilar. “We definitely want some freshman and sophomores, so if you’re interested, come talk to Dr. Schavey or one of the council members." 

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